Monday, December 7, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Well, this is my favourite band, 4 all my life i think, cuz they're soo extraordinary great! even if in LivE performance! Hayley truly gets the talent! Her voice is absolutely powerful...
and how about their performance on the stage? whoow, it's worth it to pay 4 da ticket... full of energy, head-banging, jumping, hands in the air, that's all i can say to describe it.
they wrote all of their songs, just nice, they work well together, i hope that their friendship or bond in the band will be long-lasting, cuz if i heard that they are not together anymore or anything bad happen to the band, i would break anything near me, even my own guitar (well i guess ; P)
what else to say, hurm... i just LOVE PARAMORE, no matter what people would say, cuz they are great, THEY ARE THEY, one of the kind, NO OTHER BAND IS HELLA FUNNY AS tHEm, they're never ever pretending of doing anything, THEY LET US SING PART OF THEIR SONG IN THEIR LIVE PERFORMANCE (well, i never been there, but i'll) and because, THEY ARE JUZ GREAT.
This is their newest live unplugged performance video that i've found on the youtube. Well, enjoy it.

Hello!.... Peace peace peace everybody...
School's end 4 this year, this is the best thing that could have happen.
When school's over, i have much more time to stay online, updating blog and adding more frens in ma social website! cool...
well, not juz dat, more and extra moo0re time 4 me to watch movies, mags stuff, music, whuuhuu, u know what i mean? absolutely, a great time to do something i love!
c ya!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween...

haha,2 whoever that celebrating this celebration today, i'm wishing u 'HappY hALLOwEEn'...
u know what i l00OOvE bout HALLOWEEN is the movie, tv program, lot of scary movies! love it!
ok, i gotta go, watch sumthing freaky, weirdy!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy Deepavali-Diwali...

Not for me k... I'm wishing Happy Deepavali to all my Indian frens and to all the people who's celebrating this 2day, we're 1 Malaysia right!... Take gud care of yourself during this celebration...
Happy happy happy 4ever life!...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Blurr Leads To Pressure

I don't know why today (actually quite lot of days it's happening) i'm acting like damn blurr girl... i don't even know what i'm studying, my mind is not on what the teacher is teaching, i can't focus at all. Got problem? No. Honestly, just fine, friends are okay, family is in a bravo time. What's happening inside of me? That's the problem maybe...
I think i need to see the counselor, but i don't even know what i need to say to explain this feeling (blurr) urgh... i hate this. Exam isn't that far for me to be like this, everytime i'm trying to be serious, there's something inside of me say that 'don't take it seriously' 'this is not important' 'this is boring' 'let this go'... and blablabla...
how? what?where?why? is this happen to me???

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Study?! School is co0L?

Owh... no! tomorrow i'll have to wake up early in the morning, and no time for me to oversleep anymore! Duhh, no time for magazine, gossip, sleeping day and night, school's life is all about homework.. and reading.. endless cycle...
the only thing that i love about my school is just that when teacher isn't come in... hahah...
Yes, that's me... but... i do aim to get the best result for the final exam that's just around the corner... !

Monday, October 5, 2009

Change of what?

Everything's going quite well lately...
i don want to ruin any of them. But now i realize that i'm feeling so bored...
need to do something. Change something, well this is the comfort zone. I need something new, that is really something that one need as a teen? Huh...
people'll never get satisfied. ME...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Quite bad day...

Actually i dont wanna tell the whole story bout my bad day to the public, i just want to share my bad feeling of this day, today... nothing is fine from early morning... moody... ashamed... am i the gossip girl 4 the day after today? that's wat i think...
that's all. i want to continue watching my fav show, xoxo...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

So she is the Gossip Girl's Narrator?


People Really Do Walk in Circles When Lost

August 20, 2009—A new study finds that people naturally walk in circles when their sense of direction is lost. Researchers had people walk in the desert and through a forest.

Unedited Transcript

A familiar legend is that when people get lost in the woods, they walk in circles.

Now, according to research conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tuebingen, Germany, this is a natural human behavior.

SOUNDBITE (English) Jan Souman, Max Planck Institute: "What we found was that people do really walk in circles. So that has been like a myth, if you want to, for a long time. People reported on it in all kinds of stories, in television shows, in books, but no one really ever measured whether it is true, whether people really walk in circles if they get lost. And that's what we did. So we sent people into the desert, we sent people into a big forest area and we measured their walking trajectories with GPS and, in fact, they did walk in circles."

The research focused on nine people: 6 walking in a forest, and 3 in the Saharan desert in Tunisia. The people all tended to go in circles and /or veer off a straight line.

SOUNDBITE (English) Jan Souman, Max Planck Institute: "When we started the study we didn't really believe that people really walk in circles. So, what we thought was that people would do something random, like, if they don't know their way, they maybe all of a sudden go left and sometimes they all of a sudden turn right and just by chance they might end up in the same place again. I don't think they walked in circles but they actually did something completely random. And that's actually what we found in the desert. In the desert, people who walked there pretty much did something random, they didn't walk in circles they just went generally in the same direction, but then left, right, left, right. So then we went to the forest to get more data and there people actually did walk in circles and so we were really surprised that people did walk in circles. "

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Freak me out!!! News 1

Woman falls pregnant twice in two weeks
A WOMAN was shocked to learn she had fallen pregnant again with a baby already in the womb.

A PREGNANT woman in the United States got shocking news when she went in for a routine ultrasound only to find out she is pregnant again.

Doctors think Arkansas couple Julia and Todd conceived baby girl Jillian first, and two-and-a-half weeks later conceived baby boy Hudson, Fox News reports.

Jillian and Hudson have different due dates, and this rare development is called superfetation – when a mother conceives another child while pregnant.

“It does really sound like this is a true case of different conception times for these children,” said Dr. Karen Boyle of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center.

“When the woman had her ultrasound initially, they saw one sack, one baby developing, and that baby had a certain gestational age; then they noticed a second heartbeat in a child that was much, much younger developmentally.”

New Stuff!

I just create a new blog on the
well guys, follow me on !

Friday, September 18, 2009

BaLIK kAMpunG....

Today, my family and i will going 2 our kampung somewhere in Terengganu...
Raya is just around the corner.. cant wait!
wishing banyakla duit raya tahun ni...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Not feeling well...

Hari ni, tangan terasa gatal sangat, tak tahulah kenapa, dah rub banyak kali pun, still tak hilang lagi kegatalan yang tak tertahan ni...
jangan nak kena cacar air sudah le....
tadi pergi farmasi beli ubat gatal, okay sikit la gayanya...
bout school, banyak jugak subjek yang tak belajar hari ini, sebab nak siapkan majalah sekolah, and all the homework buat kat rumah... okay, at least we've take a note about it...
talk about weather, just fine, not so hot and not so cold, cuz it's hot and it's cold... i mean, cloudy and sometimes sunny... okay, i gotta go, cuz it looks like nothing interesting to share for today...
asalammualaikum w.b.t....
adios.... olaa... bueno...
and peace!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Tarian Poco-poco = tarian pemujaan kristian?

I got this fr email send to me...

| Alhamdulillah kerana kita semua masih bernafas lagi dgn keizinanNya.
| Saya ingin berkongsi dgn rakan2 semua tantang tarian pocoh2 yang
| sedang hangat ditarikan oleh semua lapisan masyarakat,umumnya
| masyarakat kita yg beragama islam terutama suri2 rumah dan badan2
| kerajaan ketika manghadiri kursus.

| Sebenarnya tarian pocoh2 ini berasal dari Filipina bukannya dari
| Indon.Ia ditarikan oleh masyarakat yg berugama kristian ketika mereka
| menghadiri upacara sembahyang mingguan mereka.Lihatlah sahaja
| bagaimana pergerakannya, yg membentuk salib.

| Mungkin kita x perasan
| kerana kita suka mengikut2 sesuatu yg baru tanpa usul periksa.
| Inilah cara musuh2 islam mengenakan kita sedangkan kita tahu
| apabila kita melakukan sesuatu yg menyerupai sesuatu agama
| maka kita dikira merestui agama itu seperti amalan yoga
| yg telah difatwakan haram kerana menyerupai agama hindu.cuma
| tarian pocoh2 ini belum difatwakan haram lagi.
| Marilah kita sama2 fikirkan."

| Masya Allah...penulis pernah terfikir dulu,kenapa tarian itu dimulakan
dari kiri?dan apa jenis senaman ini? relevankah tarian ini,yang kelihatan
seperti tidak siuman? Dengan emel ini 'terungkailah' persoalan itu semua.
| Jadi,penulis menyeru kepada diri penulis dan anda semua supaya mengambil
inisiatif untuk tidak lagi 'menarikan' lagi tarian ini yang ternyata
mensyirikkan Allah tanpa kita sedar.Dan paling utama memohon keampunan
daripada Allah S.W.T atas kejahilan kita tentang perkara ini sebelum ini.

| Semoga mendapat perhatian pihak berkenaan agar mengkaji secara terperinci
tentang kesahihan perkara ini,asal usul dan kesannya kepada akidah Umat
islam dan mengeluarkan fatwa tentang tarian ini,agar Umat Islam tidak
berterusan di dalam kelalaian dan 'keasyikkan' menarikan tarian ini.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Vampire Diaries...

I just finished read this book, written by L.J.Smith... well guys, this is pretty damn cool vampire story!
i just read the 2nd book, that is The Fury and Dark Reunion (girl is the cover), while i don't know that there's the 1st book titled, The Awakening and The Struggle(boy on the cover page)...
the story that i've read is about the 2 siblings (both is a vampire since the year of Renaissance Italy) that are Stefan and Damon, where Stefan is a charming and kind vampire being, whereas, Damon, is just like DAMN! evil and he would kill to get Elena, though he is hot too...both of them fall in love with the same girl named, Elena...want to know more about the story, c'mon... buy the book and be a new fan of THE vaMpiRE dIarIeS... I'm sure you wont regret buying the book.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Arh... i really miss my blog... kind of busy these days... i just bought some books at Plaza Damas's Times bookstore... lelong2!!. Damn! sooo cheap... 3 international books for rm10... sure, i'd buy a lot of book...i wont let this chance blow away just like that...well, it's worth it, i don't mind to burn my money on those books... hehe (feeling nerd...)
and... i think i want to attach a song that really touch my heart...
i got to know this song from the novel that i've read read, title: The VamPiRe DiARIeS

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Today, I ada explorace aktiviti, my team's member are, Daliza, Syafa, Atikah and Hasnita. DSA are my bestfriend, but ada sorang gang kitorang, Rosaria, cannot join us becuz, she not feeling well.... ok, watever...
Hari ini pun aku rasa agak moody ckit, pagi2 lagi kena menari poco-poco, erghh... hate this dance! cam org kurang upaya je. okay! i hate it! dah la i x ske poco-poco, ulang2 smp 5, 6 kali. ok fine, that really pissing me off...
then, bout pukul 10 lebih our team name, Gempak Gempita start our game, then, time 'stupid escaping metal' hurm, u may not understand, it is a game that need our creativity and relaxing mind while trying to solve this metal puzzle.... ahh, watever it is...
yang penting juz nak gtau, mmg kitorang x dpt nk solve game ni. team kita kalah, kenela, tggu smp semua team lain habis buat ni, so kitorang kiranya last team gak la yang stat, adela 2 3 team x dpat gak.then, kitorang pon blh start.... many obstacles we've 2 face... sama ada yang menyeronokkan, walk together wif my team on a windy, grassy, long road, so happy... tighten our friendship, kepada yang menyakitkan hati, orang yang x ade kredibiliti nak handle game, tlglah, x pyh jaga any checkpoint lagi, mind ur own attitude, this is rakan muda society, showing ur responsibility, be profesional, and don't choose friend, learn from ur mistakes. Nak cerita byk jga la pengalaman yang menyakitkan hati, but overall, i really enjoying this explorace!
Next time, i wanna make my team as the best team! trying our best! Failure is a part of success, we are trying to get the rhythm. I know that i'm the best, yeah i'm the best!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pesta Pantun

Today i've a pantun competition, n my enemy is, BBSPetaling. I really hope that in this pantun competition my school will win, cuz 4 a debate my school is a loser wif them ... duhh....haha
anyway, my school got 4th place. hurm, nice what... but i'm not satisfied at all!
i'll do my best , giving all i have for next year pantun competition. yeah!!!
Ready, ya, i'm ready from now. Set, ya, i've set my mision to make BBSP a loser.
Go, yup, go 4 a victory...
Better watch out!!!Ready, set and go!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Zon Planet X

psstt... pause my blog's song belowwwww

ExAm EnD!!!

Ohh.... tHankx GoD, I'M fReE! i'm FrEe!!! AHAh....whhOOOhAAA, MerDEKA!!! wanna tell da whole world that, this 2009 midyear exam, is the hardest ever... wat's left just pray, pray and pray 2 allah dat i'll pass the exam, n not fail, i'm not a loserrr...
if i fail, i still not a loser, cuz i've try my best... hahaha
doakan kejayaanku teman2 seperjuanganku...

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day Ummi...

My Ummi, Suraya, she is my lovely mother, i love her so much , more than i love my chocolate, hmm, yup, my ummi is the best woman in my life, she is so cute, i love most when she is cooking in the kitchen, i help her la... she likes to have a conversation with me, i cant forget her smile... I dont know how my life would be without her or i can say that mY LifE wOulD sUcK wItHoUt YoU. Without someone to share my problem, love, and sweet moment, she is the only one for me. And Abah, dont try to find another woman in your life, i think she is a perfect mother and wife or can i call it a woman in the whole wide world...

Friday, May 8, 2009

17 signs u love someone

>S e v e n t e e n :

> You look at their profiles constantly.

> S i x t e e n :

> When you're on the phone/text with them late at night and they hang up/stop replying, you still miss them even when it was just two minutes ago.

> F i f t e e n :

> You read their texts and IMs over and over again.

> F o u r t e e n :

> You walk really slow when you're with them.

> T h i r t e e n :

> You feel shy feel great whenever they're around.

> E l e v e n :

> When you think about them, your heart beats faster but slower at the same time.

> T e n :

> You smile when you hear their voice.

> N i n e :

> When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you; you just see him/her.

> E i g h t :

> You start listening to slow songs while thinking about them.

> S e v e n :

> They're all you think about.

> S i x :

> You get high just from their scent.

> F i v e :

> You realize you're always smiling when you're looking at them.

> F o u r :

> You would do anything for them, just to see them.

> T h r e e :

> While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time.

> T w o :

> You were so busy thinking about that person,you didn't notice number twelve was missing.

> One :

> You just scrolled up to check& are now silently laughing at yourself. :P

> Now, Make a wish .:)

Glitter Text
Make your own Glitter Graphics

Subjects that i need to study for Examination:
1.Pendidikan Agama Islam
4.Bahasa Malaysia
6.Additional Mathematics
10.Prinsip Perakaunan
13.English For Science And Technology

Wish me luck and pray for my success!


A lot of things i need to study, bios-logos, chemist, add maths, akaun, duhhhh
exam is just around the corner. How am i going to do now? mid-year exam, it is important guy!!! i need a motivator! help me someone, i cant study like this, the thickness of the book make me faint...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Banyak homework nak buat hari ini, Fizik, Kimia, and a lot more, all the greatest hard work needed, haha, hard to think. This is my new blog, so ya'll comment my blog and keep on watching and staring on my page, besides i'm trying to make my blog as nice as orang yang pro okay. Support me! ok, i gotta go, see ya... (psstt...juz testing not formal yet)