Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Quite bad day...

Actually i dont wanna tell the whole story bout my bad day to the public, i just want to share my bad feeling of this day, today... nothing is fine from early morning... moody... ashamed... am i the gossip girl 4 the day after today? that's wat i think...
that's all. i want to continue watching my fav show, xoxo...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

So she is the Gossip Girl's Narrator?


People Really Do Walk in Circles When Lost

August 20, 2009—A new study finds that people naturally walk in circles when their sense of direction is lost. Researchers had people walk in the desert and through a forest.

Unedited Transcript

A familiar legend is that when people get lost in the woods, they walk in circles.

Now, according to research conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tuebingen, Germany, this is a natural human behavior.

SOUNDBITE (English) Jan Souman, Max Planck Institute: "What we found was that people do really walk in circles. So that has been like a myth, if you want to, for a long time. People reported on it in all kinds of stories, in television shows, in books, but no one really ever measured whether it is true, whether people really walk in circles if they get lost. And that's what we did. So we sent people into the desert, we sent people into a big forest area and we measured their walking trajectories with GPS and, in fact, they did walk in circles."

The research focused on nine people: 6 walking in a forest, and 3 in the Saharan desert in Tunisia. The people all tended to go in circles and /or veer off a straight line.

SOUNDBITE (English) Jan Souman, Max Planck Institute: "When we started the study we didn't really believe that people really walk in circles. So, what we thought was that people would do something random, like, if they don't know their way, they maybe all of a sudden go left and sometimes they all of a sudden turn right and just by chance they might end up in the same place again. I don't think they walked in circles but they actually did something completely random. And that's actually what we found in the desert. In the desert, people who walked there pretty much did something random, they didn't walk in circles they just went generally in the same direction, but then left, right, left, right. So then we went to the forest to get more data and there people actually did walk in circles and so we were really surprised that people did walk in circles. "

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Freak me out!!! News 1

Woman falls pregnant twice in two weeks
A WOMAN was shocked to learn she had fallen pregnant again with a baby already in the womb.

A PREGNANT woman in the United States got shocking news when she went in for a routine ultrasound only to find out she is pregnant again.

Doctors think Arkansas couple Julia and Todd conceived baby girl Jillian first, and two-and-a-half weeks later conceived baby boy Hudson, Fox News reports.

Jillian and Hudson have different due dates, and this rare development is called superfetation – when a mother conceives another child while pregnant.

“It does really sound like this is a true case of different conception times for these children,” said Dr. Karen Boyle of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center.

“When the woman had her ultrasound initially, they saw one sack, one baby developing, and that baby had a certain gestational age; then they noticed a second heartbeat in a child that was much, much younger developmentally.”

New Stuff!

I just create a new blog on the onsugar.com...
well guys, follow me on sofeabella.onsugar.com !

Friday, September 18, 2009

BaLIK kAMpunG....

Today, my family and i will going 2 our kampung somewhere in Terengganu...
Raya is just around the corner.. cant wait!
wishing banyakla duit raya tahun ni...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Not feeling well...

Hari ni, tangan terasa gatal sangat, tak tahulah kenapa, dah rub banyak kali pun, still tak hilang lagi kegatalan yang tak tertahan ni...
jangan nak kena cacar air sudah le....
tadi pergi farmasi beli ubat gatal, okay sikit la gayanya...
bout school, banyak jugak subjek yang tak belajar hari ini, sebab nak siapkan majalah sekolah, and all the homework buat kat rumah... okay, at least we've take a note about it...
talk about weather, just fine, not so hot and not so cold, cuz it's hot and it's cold... i mean, cloudy and sometimes sunny... okay, i gotta go, cuz it looks like nothing interesting to share for today...
asalammualaikum w.b.t....
adios.... olaa... bueno...
and peace!